Working at a Plant level

What is PlantTriage(LPMS)?

Continuous Improvement of Control Performance

The PlantTriage Loop Performance Monitoring system watches your plant 24 hours a day, then prioritizes and diagnoses each improvement opportunity.

Control System Performance Monitoring & Management

Collect real-time data from DCS/Historian, Store, Analysis and Report System

Detect Control Performance issues & Efficient tool to solve the issues

- H/W Issue : Valve, Sensor status, Size issue
- S/W Issue : Tuning problem, Interaction issue, APC performance
- Root cause analysis
- KPIs management
- PID Optimization



DCS 최적화 (H/W 개선을 통한 공정 안정화)

운전 최적화 (최적 운전 조건 검토)

운전 최적화 (실시간 Fuzzy logic을 통한 운전최적화)